Problems face during this work



When you use Excel for calculating sales incentives, you put in significant resources, technology, human resources, and time, and these resources have a cost associated with them. Considering that 88% of the spreadsheets contain errors, every time you come across an error, you incur the cost of all of these resources again making it uneconomical at all levels thus shattering the balance. 

With Compass, you can automate the process and all changes can be handled with just a few clicks. It also saves a lot of time and eliminates inaccuracies and allows your team to spend time on other critical areas of the business. 

Not sharable

Excel is easy to share, right? Just drop it as an attachment in an email?

Perhaps it is. But not when you have a massive team of hundreds and thousands of employees who want to access the same file. This is where Excel collapses.

Not auditable

Have you ever gone back to your excel sheet only to find out that it is not how you left it? Or have you ever overwritten your formula only to find #ERROR! across cells? If this gives you a sense of Deja Vu, let me tell you, you are not alone. Excel doesn’t offer a history of every change that was made to each individual cell and you can’t see who made the changes or if they even had the approval to do so. You also don’t have the ability to set up a chain of approvals. Despite Google sheets introducing features to overcome these problems, checking history of change for individual cells is impossible. 


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